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An all-in-one SEO tool tailored to your goals

Strong SEO drives website traffic, brand awareness, and conversions. But between keyword monitoring, optimizing content, analyzing competitors, and reporting ROI, it can be hard to keep track of all the moving parts in your SEO strategy. The answer? Siteimprove SEO.

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Integrate SEO into your workflow

SEO has the greatest chance of success when it’s integrated into your team’s workflow—not siloed. Siteimprove’s Activity Plans allow teams to customize their way of working with SEO. Whether it’s resolving issues that hurt search engine visibility, monitoring keywords, analyzing competitors, optimizing content, or proving ROI, Activity Plans merge all relevant insights in one, customizable place.


Benchmark your website's SEO performance

Before you dive into optimization, it’s crucial to know where your website stands, so you can benchmark your performance and track progress towards your goals. Quickly gauge your SEO performance with dashboard SEO Scores. On-page diagnostics and the Siteimprove DCI® Industry Benchmark show how your website stacks up to the rest of the market. Siteimprove SEO includes On-Page Diagnostics with 70+ SEO checks. 


Drive content optimization

See where your content has optimization gaps by looking at high traffic keywords and filtering based on your strategy, search volume, or estimated traffic. Add your target keywords to your Activity Plans, where you can kickstart content optimization with practical, best practice recommendations. Siteimprove's Duplicate Content Finder detects similar content clusters, so you can focus on addressing SEO performance killers.

What SEO features are available in each solution?

Leverage our full suite of SEO features or start small with our SEO Professional capabilities. Whether you’re an SEO expert or a content marketer looking to get started on SEO, we’ve got you covered.

SEO Audit

SEO Audit

SEO Professional

SEO Professional

SEO Enterprise

SEO Enterprise

Compare plans

Features SEO Audit SEO Professional SEO Enterprise
On-page diagnostics
Keyword insights
Content optimization
Search Snippet Preview
Activity Plans
Duplicate content finder
Search Engine Analytics
Insights Stream
Local SEO

Key features

Siteimprove SEO incorporates 70+ unique SEO checks, including scans for missing meta descriptions, spelling mistakes, broken links, outdated files, poor readability, and links to unsafe domains.

How you perform against these checks make up your SEO Score, measured on a scale of 0-100. Separated into Technical, Content, User Experience, and Mobile standards, errors are highlighted directly on the page and in the HTML for those working behind-the-scenes.

Siteimprove SEO's on-page diagnostics include:

  • Prioritized list of hands-on recommendations
  • Difficulty level rankings to help you define necessary time and resources
  • SEO Score and industry benchmarks to gauge performance at a glance

With customizable Activity Plans, Siteimprove SEO offers an intuitive way to monitor, track, and showcase the progress of your SEO efforts.

Whether you’re aiming for quick wins, want to tackle high impact issues first, or prefer to divide and conquer based on issue type, complexity, or page views, prioritization is now a piece of cake. Create Activity Plans based on responsibilities, departments, or regions to make the division of work that much easier.

  • Kickstart content strategy with Keyword Discovery and Suggestions
  • Get ahead of your biggest competitors with Competitor Analysis
  • Get pages right from the very beginning with built-in Content Optimization

Keyword Discovery, Suggestions, and Monitoring

Learning which queries and terms made your site appear in search results helps you understand your audience, avoid jargon, and truly speak their language. Through a direct integration of Google’s Search Console, Siteimprove SEO helps you understand how the world’s most popular search engine and its users see and - more importantly - find your website.

Discover traffic-driving keywords and filter them based on strategy, including:

  • Quick wins, high impact, or long-tail keywords
  • Keyword performance
  • Search volume, estimated traffic, and competition level

Siteimprove SEO also provides in-tool tips on where to start and how to get the most out of your keyword research and monitoring. Let the content creation begin.

No one said writing search engine-optimized content was a walk in the park. Whether you're an SEO specialist first and a content writer second—or the other way around—Siteimprove SEO guides you every step of the way.

Based on the keywords you identify within a given Activity Plan, next steps are to:

  • Identify your target pages that use those keywords
  • Map keywords into page elements like meta title, meta description, and headlines
  • Be linked straight to your CMS and fix the issues hurting your SEO rankings
  • Monitor progress of target pages over time

Bad news: Identifying duplicate or competing content by hand is impossible considering the amount of content on your website. Good news: Siteimprove SEO does the heavy-lifting for you.

Our intelligent, machine-learning algorithm divides your site into clusters based on similarity levels. Based on these insights, you can remove or edit potentially harmful content and minimize the risk of being punished by Google and the other search engine gods.

Backlinks are one of the most fundamental elements of any successful SEO strategy. Search engines use them as an indicator of how trustworthy your site is. The true challenge is that your link profile is ever-changing, which makes it vital for you to stay on top of it. Siteimprove’s Backlink feature allows you to:

  • Understand your website’s backlink profile at a glance
  • Easily identify high-value and potentially harmful backlinks
  • Avoid losing valuable links that might point to wrong or undesired pages

With Siteimprove SEO you can easily keep tabs on your backlink profile, build authority with links from relevant and trusted sources, and discover undesirable links that may impact your rankings.

To succeed at SEO, you have to know what the market wants, where they're coming from, and how engaged they are with your content. By integrating with Siteimprove Analytics, features like Key Metrics allow you to accurately measure ROI by attaching a monetary value to every effort.

With Search Engine Analytics at hand:

  • Prove ROI to stakeholders by attaching value to conversions
  • Build a data-driven SEO strategy by integrating analytics insights
  • Understand which search engines visitors come from and how long they stay
  • Monitor traffic for specific keywords

When working with SEO optimization, it’s easy to get lost in the data and lose overview of which actions can bring about tangible results in your marketing efforts.

Siteimprove’s SEO Insights stream analyzes your SEO data for you and provides you with an overview of recommendations and the most impactful actions, so you don’t need to do any complex data analysis and can quickly start driving more online traffic and opportunities for conversion.

With Insights you will be notified when your keywords start ranking significantly higher or lower, when you have gained or lost backlinks, or when we discover new keywords relevant to your strategy.

  • Focus your attention and start making an impact - get concise and actionable recommendations, which can be filtered by category, impact or effort required
  • Increase your efficiency – streamline your team’s work by collecting all your key SEO tasks across the website in a singular view
  • Customize your news feed - tailor your Insights stream to prioritize the insights and notifications most relevant to your goals

76% of people who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a physical location within 24 hours (Google). Siteimprove’s integration with Google My Business, enables you to manage all your local Google listings in Siteimprove’s platform and ensure a fully optimized experience for the users who see them. Keeping your listings up to date improves the likelihood of users visiting your brand online or in-store. By using Google MyBusiness with Siteimprove you can:

  • See the current info for each listing, including attached images and those added by users
  • Read reviews and reply directly from the Siteimprove platform
  • Get an overview of your performance insights (e.g., searches, views, etc.)

"As a new user of this tool, I like that it makes SEO analysis simple. The interface is clearly laid out and is easy to navigate and work with. I also like how easy it is to search for and analyze potential keywords and monitor the pages on how they are ranking. Unlike my experience with other tools, the various pieces - analytics and SEO come together well and I don't feel lost in the dashboard"

— Sonia Mahnot, Digital Marketing Manager, Avidia Bank

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