Web Accessibility
How to be more accessible on social mediaWhile many organizations are taking the right steps towards a more accessible and inclusive website, the same isn’t necessarily true for their social media channels. The challenge with social media...
By Siteimprove
Okt. 19, 2020
Siteimprove has a fresh, updated brand
Download the descriptive transcript here We’re very excited to share that as of today, Siteimprove has a new brand. This new brand launch is a result of a company-wide reflection process and time spe...
By Kyra Kuik
Sept. 29, 2020
Quality Assurance
Siteimprove Quality Assurance wins popularity contests for a reasonQuality Assurance (QA) is one of Siteimprove’s most enduringly popular tools. So, we were surprised to discover that some of our customers aren’t using Siteimprove QA to its full potential. If you ...
By Georgia James
Sept. 28, 2020
Web Accessibility
What digital marketers need to know about accessibilityDigital marketing teams are often measured on traffic, conversions, lead generation, open-rates, click-through rates, and engagement. They aren’t often measured on whether or not their activities are ...
By Kyra Kuik
Aug. 18, 2020
Web Accessibility
How to use a framework to plan web accessibility betterDigital teams are made up of people with diverse skills, including user experience (UX) designers, visual designers, developers, content creators, quality assurance testers, and project managers. S...
By Georgia James
Aug. 13, 2020
Web Governance
How to use Siteimprove Policy to create a better user experienceHave you ever clicked onto a website and discovered that the prices, products, or timetables are from last year? Or tried to download a file on the move, and ended up with a serious dent to your data ...
By Georgia James
Juli 28, 2020
Web Analytics
Comparing Siteimprove Analytics data to data from other analytics tools doesn’t always make sense - here's whyOne of the most common questions that we receive from our customers is about why the numbers they see in their Google Analytics (GA) account (or other third-party analytics providers) don’t always mat...
By Søren Laumand
Juli 24, 2020
Siteimprove Integrations: get more out of your dataThe marketing technology (MarTech) market has grown significantly over the past few years and shows no sign of slowing, increasing to a record 8,000 services in 2020. In fact, Gartner found that in...
By Georgia James
Juli 01, 2020
Web Governance
Three simple reasons you should consolidate your MarTech stackWith over 8,000 marketing technology (MarTech) tools on the market, it’s no surprise that digital teams are dealing with tool fatigue. Tools are often under-utilized, teams aren’t properly trained ...
By Kyra Kuik
Juni 24, 2020
Web Governance
How to track and improve citizen engagementThink about the websites you use most often in your personal life: Amazon, Netflix, Twitter, YouTube, etc. All of these sites are easy to navigate and suggest more content, products, or accounts to fo...
By Kyra Kuik
Juni 15, 2020