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The European Accessibility Act (EAA): Ready or not, here it comes

The deadline for EAA is looming, so if you’re not already preparing, you’re already behind. Our resources will help you get up to speed and create a plan of action.

- By The Siteimprove Team - Jun 28, 2024 Accessibility

When it comes to your website, digital accessibility is a must-have: Not only is it mandated from a legal perspective, but it’s the right thing to do if you want your business to be attractive to all customers and your brand to reflect inclusivity.  

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) requires that many services and products, including online experiences (read: websites and apps), be compliant by the end of June 2025. That applies to just about any company that does business in the European Union, and it means that if a host of details within your website — including links, alt text, color contrast, forms, and CAPTCHA tests — aren’t fully compliant, you’ll risk customer complaints and penalties.  

These requirements can seem daunting, and it can take a long time (think months, not weeks) to tick every box. If you’re not an expert in digital accessibility, we’ve compiled a list of our own resources that can help you understand what’s expected and how to meet the requirements.  

What follows is comprehensive enough that you might want to bookmark this page — there’s a lot to absorb and stay on top of.  

Overview of accessibility laws 

It’s helpful to see how EAA fits into the broader context of accessibility laws around the world. Our overview covers not just the EU but also the US, Canada, and Australia. 

The European Accessibility Act: FAQs 

Explore the nuts and bolts of the EAA, from its benefits to the timeline to the risks of non-compliance.  

What EAA means for B2B 

Technically, EAA doesn’t apply to B2Bs that exclusively sell to other B2Bs. But that doesn’t mean your business shouldn’t fully comply.  

The European Accessibility Act: What its June 2025 deadline means for you 

June 28, 2025 is the deadline for compliance. If you’re not already planning to meet that deadline, you’re risking penalties (and damage to your reputation). 

EAA checklist 

Sometimes there’s nothing like a checklist to help you get the ball rolling. Ours is downloadable, so it’s perfect for distributing your team. It includes nitty-gritty details, like what needs to be in place in terms of page structure, colors, text, and titles.  

Frontier: Courses in digital accessibility 

Last but not least, if you’re already a Siteimprove customer, we have literally dozens of online courses on digital accessibility, covering everything from accessibility for PDFs to the skinny on how SEO and accessibility work together.   


Our best advice? Do your reading and book a meeting.